Tag Archives: Travel and Tourism

365xperiences of what?

Everything, is the short answer.

The longer answer might mean you need to get a cup of coffee.

Lately I have found myself driving the same route everyday, preparing the same meals week in and out and even hanging with the same people all the time (by the way, I’m not trying to get rid of any friends here). Recent events, both international and personal, made me wonder, when am I going to experience something new for a change? Immediately the same old excuses about time an money popped up and this was followed by a very firm voice in my mind that went “NO!”, or like a good friend of mine sometimes say, “Nee, huh-uh, dit werk nie so nie!”. No more excuses for living the same dreary way every day. Life is really too short to do the same-old, same-old every day.

And inspiration hit… why not have a new experience every day? Instead of expecting huge “life-changing” experiences, have a small new one everyday. Live life moment, by moment? That kind of thing. It doesn’t mean I have to spend hundreds to get those. I live in Cape Town, an amazing city, with too many things I have not seen, done, smelt and tried.

I’ve grown up and lived with so many preconceived perceptions and tastes, based on nothing more that other people’s experiences. These will be challenged and tried and I will hopefully make these my own. Coffee with honey isn’t something to be frowned upon, but the subject of next week’s blog.

This is my pledge, I will try something new, be it small or big, a taste or a sound every day for 365 days starting on my birthday, 10 April.


Posted by on March 15, 2011 in Uncategorized


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