Monthly Archives: March 2011

On the high seas

After months of planning, dreaming, packing, unpacking and finally packing, the day arrived.

My friend phones me to ask what my opinion would be on multiple bags when going on a cruise ship. I, as any good friend, offer my biggest most trunklike case (in fact my only).

And she packed. A bikini for every day, a cocktail dress for each night and a sundress for in-between. Matching shoes for every outfit and something warm, just in case.
Luckily there was the smaller bag for her husbands clothes, but only after she packed her toiletries.

In fact all of this might be true, but most probably not nearly true. Maralise would give at least a quater of the suitcase to her husband.

And off they went. A silly idea one afternoon became, I hope, a holiday to remember.
And onboard the Symphonia Maralise got to sing with one of her favourite stars, take a few photos with the celebs and drink cocktails in a jacuzzi.

In my opinion a wonderful new experience. I had to ask when are they going on another cruise? Maralise was quiet for a second… “Most probably not again, but now we’re saving up for the overseas trip. I think I’ll have to increase my monthly savings’ budget…”


Posted by on March 30, 2011 in Friendz Xperiences


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Chicken Ass Pie

These gob smacking, amazing pies do not contain any chicken, or asses for that matter, but you try saying Kick Ass Pie 15 times in a row, the morning after, and see what happens…

World wide, St Patrick’s day is celebrated on 17 March and even though South Africa isn’t a Catholic nation, we join in any celebration where we get to drink, a whole lot. In my experience hardly any plan for a St Patrick’s party pans out as planned. Last night was no exception.

We’ve been planning to go to an Irish pub on Green Market Square, but before that we decided to have a quick drink at Rafiki’s, waiting on the rest of the party to join us. And right there the plan went right over the balcony…

Our 3rd musketeer was late and out of (stupid) loyalty we thought it wrong to have the first Guiness without her. At about 11pm she was on her way, at 2am no friend and we couldn’t remember how to hail a taxi to the next pub… the rest is a slight blur. At least I helped an Irish Whiskey make it’s yearly sales target in March already.

Despite all this I made it to the office sometime in the morning and when lunch rolled around there was only one thing which could cure a hangover – a Chicken Ass Pie from Jardine! Normally I’m not big on new tastes on a hangover, but hey, it’s a Chicken Ass Pie. Today’s special was Blessbok Shoulder with Pearl Onions and Black Olives. Yummm…

Unfortunately our favourite bakery is closing at the end of this month… if you want to taste the best croissants in town, you better get yourself down to Jardine in Bree street before the end of March. Add a Chicken Ass Pie to your order as well.

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Posted by on March 18, 2011 in Taste


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Does a friend’s new experience count?

According to the rules, as set by me, NO!

But xperiencing a friend’s new xperience feels just as good. Giovanni’s is one of my favourite obsessions and one I indulge in when I’m in close range (about 15km radius). The office are tired of hearing me gush about their espressos, bread, food and actually just everything.

Today I dragged a friend with, her first Giovanni’s espresso and a quick walk through the deli later and Kim was converted. Needless to say the barista was really happy about a new pretty face around the counter.

Giovanni’s is by far not a new xperience, but I’m sure somewhere in their huge inventory I will find a list of new smells and tastes to add to my daily new xperience. Until the 10th I’ll just take as many friends with me to xperience Giovanni’s.


Posted by on March 16, 2011 in Friendz Xperiences


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365xperiences of what?

Everything, is the short answer.

The longer answer might mean you need to get a cup of coffee.

Lately I have found myself driving the same route everyday, preparing the same meals week in and out and even hanging with the same people all the time (by the way, I’m not trying to get rid of any friends here). Recent events, both international and personal, made me wonder, when am I going to experience something new for a change? Immediately the same old excuses about time an money popped up and this was followed by a very firm voice in my mind that went “NO!”, or like a good friend of mine sometimes say, “Nee, huh-uh, dit werk nie so nie!”. No more excuses for living the same dreary way every day. Life is really too short to do the same-old, same-old every day.

And inspiration hit… why not have a new experience every day? Instead of expecting huge “life-changing” experiences, have a small new one everyday. Live life moment, by moment? That kind of thing. It doesn’t mean I have to spend hundreds to get those. I live in Cape Town, an amazing city, with too many things I have not seen, done, smelt and tried.

I’ve grown up and lived with so many preconceived perceptions and tastes, based on nothing more that other people’s experiences. These will be challenged and tried and I will hopefully make these my own. Coffee with honey isn’t something to be frowned upon, but the subject of next week’s blog.

This is my pledge, I will try something new, be it small or big, a taste or a sound every day for 365 days starting on my birthday, 10 April.


Posted by on March 15, 2011 in Uncategorized


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