
Like a friend said just now, don’t you hate it when you’re asked in an interview, “So, tell us about you.”

What would you like to know?

I live in Cape Town, have a severe case of mountain fever and might even have a slight infatuation with everything Capetonian. First confession, I don’t actually live in Cape Town, but in the Northern Suburbs, also know as “the other side of the boerewors curtain”. But let’s be honest, most people don’t even know Cape Town has a “Noorrfff” side…

I have various hobbies, I don’t spend enough time on any of them and therefore have various unfinished projects scattered around my home. I do finish them over time, but my story would normally begin with “I started this about 6 months ago…”. Thinking about that now, I shouldn’t even call them hobbies…

I always intend to play the lottery, but forget every time and only remember the next day when I get a text with the winning numbers (and every time I’m vaguely surprised that my numbers weren’t drawn).

I suppose the big question really is, why? Why on earth start a project like this.

There is no real short or easy answer. I have been blessed with amazing people in my life, who lived every day to the fullest, cramming it with experiences. Unfortunately a few of them are no longer around. They are my inspiration. From them I’ve learned that there’s no better time to do something than right now, so what if it’s raining, we can’t melt.

This is also dedicated to some other loved ones who’s learned there isn’t an unlimited tomorrows anymore…


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