Format or forever live in technology hell

23 Aug

Xperience 85

It so happened that my beloved laptop, Bob, crashed last week. Now saying that he crashed insinuates some kind of fast, self destructive movement, when in fact he just stopped… Yep, it was happening (although slowly) and then it didn’t. Took me about an hour (and 3 harbour’s worth of sailor language) to restart the damn piece of plastic.
And to answer the Big Q. Yes, I backed-up, exactly 7 days before. Thank goodness for good ol’ paranoia, but maybe that should hit more than once a week.
When the computer wizz kid collected the now useless door stopper, he just had to say it “Didn’t I tell you last month some time you should format your machine?”. I almost made a useful door stopper out of him…

By Tuesday (last week) I got Bob back. Same old body, but brand new Windows 7 and I started again from a side to get it back to my lovable piece of machine. What a mission… Do you know how many little thingy-ma-bobbies you download in a year?

Today my trusted BB failed on me. It got slow (and I have a feeling I’m going to get judged here and I have horrid flashbacks to last week) so I rebooted it for a change. But instead of the sickly yellow screen before my beautiful background… I got a little black pic and some stupid software reload 502 (or something around there) message.
So I did what everyone else does, restart again and got the same result. I abused my knowledge of unmentionable vocabulary and threw myself to the all knowing wizard of life – Google.

The news was dire…re-install the handheld device’s software.
Now see this isn’t that bad. Didn’t I go through tech hell a few months earlier (check it out, it’s got an xperience number and all) to download the desktop software (too much soft stuff around for my liking)? I did, yes sir. And where is this hard earned software? Gone! Into format wasteland, gonners!

By this time no words, no matter how vile, could make the situation bearable.
Back to Google, get the software, download, install, restart, update, install, restart, plug in handheld (I forgot to mention, drive to friend’s house for USB cable), let the juice run and wait, chew nails while hoping the back-up of BB survived the laptop crash, find back-up, restore back-up, reboot BB.

Positives to this day includes, BB desktop software re-installed on laptop, got new OS on BB handheld (therefore the new FB app). Negatives today includes, unnecessary strain to already over active ulcer, downloading a few million apps for BB, rebooting said BB a million times.

What have I learned from all this? Use faxes and doves. Or format your pc when the damn wizz kid tells you too and there is always some new way your phone will screw you over.

By the by, this post was written on the darn BB… (Who’s the wizz kid now?)


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